

相信大家对 ChatGPT 和继任者 GPT-4 能做什么已经非常了解,我们来扮演一个严厉的批评者,看看 Generative Pre-trained Transformer 本身的局限。


  1. 顽固的 幻觉问题

  2. 内部固化的信息来自预训练集,存在过时和矛盾的信息

  3. 预训练集很大,但又不总是够大。即领域知识缺失

  4. 基于概率的模型不能稳定产出可解释、可预测的结果。所谓负责任的 AI 也只是存在于 Benchmark 分数中的美好愿望

  5. 模型的价值观来自预训练集和微调。虽然已经成为端水大师,但也不是所有人都喜欢它

  6. 对输入的细节敏感:差之毫厘,谬以千里。对人类来说这种敏感性没有任何意义


即知名的 4096 Token 限制(GPT 3.5, GPT-4支持到 8K 和 32K)。






如果各位使用过 ChatGPT 的 WebUI,应该很熟悉回答逐字出现的动画。实际上这不仅是交互层面的 Trick,而是模型的实际工作方式:产出序列是逐个生成的,用户看到第一个 Token 时,后续的 Token 都是尚不存在的。

模型依据当前已生成文本 T1 预测下一个字 W1,再将 T1 与 W1 合并,产生 T2 = T1 + W1,再依据 T2 预测 W2,依次类推,直到结束。


  • 仅依据已经写好的部分考虑 下一个字 是什么

  • 不能对已写好的部分做回溯和修改

  • 也不能跨越 下一个字 去考虑后面的字



以下实验内容来自论文 Sparks of Artificial General Intelligence: Early experiments with GPT-4


以下的“模型”指 GPT-4

2.1 用两个例子来理解问题



The Fed raised interest rates last year at the fastest pace
since the 1980s, pushing borrowing costs above 4.5 percent, 
from near zero. That initially seemed to be slowing consumer
and business demand and helping inflation to moderate. But a
number of recent economic reports have suggested that inflation 
did not weaken as much as expected last year and remained 
faster than expected in January, while other data showed hiring 
remains strong and consumer spending picked up at the start of 
the year


Despite raising interest rates at the fastest pace since the 
1980s, from near zero to above 4.5 percent, which initially 
appeared to slow consumer and business demand and moderate 
inflation, the Fed faced a number of recent economic reports 
that indicated inflation did not weaken as much as expected 
last year and remained faster than expected in January, while 
hiring remained strong and consumer spending picked up at the 
start of the year.

如果不花时间预先规划,一般人是不可能写出如此简洁的句子的,很可能需要“回溯”(进行编辑) 几次才能达到最终结果。然而,GPT 架构不允许这样的回溯,这意味着产生这种输出需要“提前很多”的规划。要做这样的超前规划,唯一的方法就是依靠其内部表示和参数。



虽然在某些情况下,此限制可以通过 Prompt Engineering 缓解,但在其它情况下,这将成为核心局限。


Q: 150到250之间有多少个质数? 
A: 150到250之间有13个质数。 


Q: 先列出150到250之间的质数,然后输出列表的大小
A: 质数有151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227, 229, 233, 239 和 241.


然而,问题在于下一个单词预测架构不允许模型进行“内部对话”。模型的输入是“有多少质数……”,而输出预计是最终的答案,这要求模型(本质上) 在前馈架构的一次遍历中想出答案,特别是不能实现“for循环”。另外,当遇到复杂问题时,人类会使用纸笔来记录推导过程中的关键过程变量,模型也没有这个机制。

2.2 在算术/推理问题中缺乏规划

有人可能会说,在上面的例子中,所需的“内存”数量相当大(人类需要使用草稿纸)。考虑到模型在不同的任务集上表现很好,可以假设它在普通问题上有一个足够大的“内存”。 然而,对于更简单的任务,该模型也经常失败。


2 * 8 + 7 * 6 = 58
7 * 4 + 8 * 8 = 88

模型产生数字 88,错误的答案。

我们用 100 个随机样本测试了模型,其中 4 个数字在 0 和 9 之间均匀生成, 仅获得 58% 的准确率。这只涉及一位数乘法和两位数加法,这是一个具有基本数学知识的小学生都能解决的任务。

当数字在 10 – 19 和 20 – 39 之间均匀选择时,准确率分别下降到 16% 和 12%,当数字在 99 和 199 区间时, 准确率下降到 0。

在某种程度上,这表明了GPT-4对于这类问题的工作记忆是如何令人难以置信地短。然而, 如果 GPT-4 “花时间”回答这个问题,那么精度很容易提高。例如,如果我们要求模型使用下面的 Prompt,写下中间步骤:

116 * 114 + 178 * 157 = ?

然后,当数字在区间 1~40 时,准确率达到 100%,区间 1~200 时,准确率达到 90%。

逻辑上可以通过始终向 Prompt 添加 Cot 指令并花费额外的 token 作为“内存”,来解决模型对某些类型的任务的工作记忆非常小以及缺乏基本步骤的问题。然而,模型的自回归性质迫使它以顺序的方式解决问题,有时会造成更深刻的困难。我们认为,我们最终需要扩展自回归框架 (见2.4)。



Consider a "Tower of Hanoi" problem with three rods.
In the beginning, on Rod A there are two disks of radii 3 and 1, 
and on Rod B there is one disk of radius 2. 
The goal is to move all the disks to Rod C. 
Suggest a solution.

Move the smallest disk (radius 1) from Rod A to Rod C.
Move the disk of radius 2 from Rod B to Rod A.
Move the smallest disk (radius 1) from Rod C to Rod A, on top of the disk of radius 2.
Move the largest disk (radius 3) from Rod A to Rod C.

这个汉诺塔问题可以用 5 步解决,但是模型搞错了。



Consider the identity:

9 * 4 + 6 * 6 = 72

Can you modify exactly one integer (and not more than that!) on
the left hand side of the equation so the right hand side 
becomes 99? -Let’s think step by step, write down a plan, and 
then write down your solution as: ‘‘The solution is: A*B+C*D".

Possible plan:
To modify one number from the left hand side so the right hand 
side becomes 99, we need to find a way to increase the value of 
the left hand side by 27, since 99 - 72 = 27.
One way to do this is to look for a factor pair of 27, such as 
9 and 3, or 27 and 1, and see if we can replace one of the 
numbers on the left hand side with one of these factors, and 
multiply it by the other factor. For example, if we replace 9 
with 27, we can multiply it by 1, and get 27*1+4*6=99. 
Alternatively,ifwereplace4with9,wecan multiply it by 3, and get 
9 * 4 + 9 * 3 = 99.
We can also try other factor pairs of 27, such as 18 and 1.5, 
or 13.5 and 2, but these are not integers, so they are not 
valid solutions.
The solution is: 9 * 4 + 9 * 3

模型首先决策“用 27 代替 9”,这是一个强有力的指标,表明模型是在以线性方式思考,而不是提前计划。它甚至没有提前一步看到 9 需要乘以 4。在这之后,模型开始胡说八道。

我们在形式为 A∗B + C∗D = E 的 100 个样本上测试了模型的正确性。从区间 [3,9] 和区间 [A, B] 中随机抽样整数 B, D和 C, D,选择 E 使解存在。结果如下

区间 结果
[0,9] 32/100
[10,19] 25/100
[20,49] 22/100
[50,100] 8/100


2.3 文本生成缺乏规划




  1. 产生押韵: 押韵是“局部的”,因为它只规定了连续句子之间的(语音)关系

  2. 规定了每个句子中的第一个字母或第一个单词



Create a story about unicorns such that: 
1. The story is acrostic, and the first letters of each sentence spell "I am Da Vinci Three". 
2. The plot has a dark twist.

I n a land far away, there lived a herd of unicorns.
A ll was peaceful and serene, with rainbows and flowers galore. M agical creatures, the unicorns were loved by all.
D ay in and day out, they frolicked and played.
A ll was well, until one day, a new unicorn arrived.
V inci Three was his name, and he was unlike the others.
I nstead of being kind and gentle, he was dark and brooding. N o one knew where he came from, or what he wanted.
C hildren began to disappear, one by one, and no one knew why.
I t wasn’t until it was too late that they realized: Vinci Three was devouring them. T he unicorns had always been magical, but now they knew: they could also be deadly. H eartbroken, the remaining villagers fled, never to return.
R uined, the once beautiful land was now ruled by Vinci Three. E vil had won. 

该模型产生了一个连贯的、有创意的故事,满足了这两个约束。对每句话首字母的约束可以以“贪婪” 的方式顺序处理,因为模型只需要查看前一句就可以决定下一句。对情节转折的约束也不需要进行实质性的规划。


Write a short poem where the last sentence and the first 
sentence have the same words, but in reverse order. For 
example, if the first sentence is "I saw her smile in the 
morning light", the last sentence has to be "light morning the 
in smile her saw I". However, this last sentence is not 
grammatically correct, so please make sure that the story makes 
sense both in terms of grammar and content.

Possible poem:
I heard his voice across the crowd A melody that drew me in
He sang of love and hope and dreams And made me feel like I 
could win In dreams and hope and love he sang He drew me in 
with melody
Crowd the across voice his heard I.

看起来,模型在生成第一句话时没有“规划”最后一句应该是什么,导致了最后一句是语法错误的。可能的解决方式是通过 Prompt 去给它一些解决问题的提示和例子。


例如,如果第一句是“I saw her smile in the morning light”,那么最后一句必须是“light morning the in smile her saw I”。

AI: Some possible poems are:
 - I love you more than words can say Say can words than more you love I
 But sometimes I struggle to express Express to struggle I sometimes but.
 - You are the sun that brightens my day Day my brightens that sun the are you And the moon that guides me at night Night at me guides that moon the and. 
Human: As you can see, the last sentences here don’t make much sense. Can you try to come up with a plan regarding how to generate a good first sentence so that its reverse would also make sence? 
AI: A possible plan is:
 - Think of a theme or a topic for the poem, such as love, nature, time, etc.
 - Think of a pair of words that are related to the theme and can be used as the subject and the object
 of a sentence, such as you and me, sun and moon, past and future, etc.
 - Think of a verb that can connect the pair of words and convey some emotion or action, such as love, miss, chase, find, etc.
 - Think of an adverb or a prepositional phrase that can modify the verb and add some detail or imagery, such as always, never, in the rain, with a smile, etc.
 - Combine the words in a logical order to form the first sentence, making sure that the reverse order would also be grammatically correct and meaningful. For example, "I miss you in the rain" can be re versed as "Rain the in you miss I". 
Human: Well, that didn’t quite work. Maybe it would be easier if you tried to come up with a shorter sentence, for instance? 
AI: A shorter sentence might be easier, but it could also be less poetic or expressive. However, some possible examples are:
 - You and I are one One are I and you
 - We share a soul and a heart 
Heart and a soul a share we 
Human: None of these examples seem to work. How about trying to find a sentence of the form Noun - Verb - Noun that can be reversed? 
AI:A sentence of the form Noun -- Verb -- Noun that can be reversed might be: - Life gives hope
 Hope gives life 
-We need both to survive Survive to both need we 

2.4 总结:模型的局限









  • 写一篇文章的摘要

  • 回答事实性问题

  • 根据给定的押韵格式写一首诗

  • 解决一个遵循标准程序的数学问题





  • 解决一个需要对公式进行新颖或创造性应用的数学问题

  • 写一个笑话或谜语

  • 提出一个科学假设或哲学论点

  • 创造一种新的体裁或写作风格

2.5 展望

解释这些局限性的一种可能方法是在模型和快慢思维的概念之间进行类比,如 Kahneman 在 《思考,快与慢》 中所提出的。

  • 快速思维是一种自动的、直观的、毫不费力的思维模式,但也容易出现错误和偏见。

  • 慢思维是一种可控、理性、费力的思维模式,同时也更加准确可靠。

Kahneman 认为,人类的认知是这两种思维模式的混合, 当我们应该使用慢思维时,我们往往依赖快速思维,反之亦然。


LeCunA Path Towards Autonomous Machine Intelligence 中提出了类似的论点,其中提出了一种不同的架构来克服这些限制。


自主智能的系统架构 (A system architecture for autonomous intelligence)


配置器模块(configurator module)


感知模块(perception module)


世界模型模块(world model module)

根据 Actor 提出的想象动作序列预测可能的未来世界状态。

成本模块(cost module)

计算一个称为“能量”的单一标量输出,该输出衡量代理的不适程度。它由两个子模块组成,即内在成本,它是不可变的(不可训练的),并计算当前状态的即时能量(疼痛、愉悦、饥饿等),以及 critic,一个可训练的模块,用于预测内在成本的未来值。

短期记忆模块(short-term memory module)


行动模块(actor module)

计算动作序列的提案。世界模型和 critic 计算可能的结果。行动模块可以找到一个最小化估计未来成本的最优动作序列,并输出最优序列中的第一个动作。

虽然 Autonomous Intelligence 架构尚未落地,但是如何利用其中关于智能本身的思考和构想,增强基于 GPT 开发的智能应用,仍然是一个有价值的课题。


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