LaTeX是一种标记语言,主要用于创建高质量的学术文档,特别是数学、物理和计算机科学领域的文档。它基于TeX排版系统,由美国数学家Donald E. Knuth开发。在LaTeX中,你可以轻松地编写复杂的数学公式,并控制文档的布局和样式。
- 行内:使用一对
即可,比如勾股定理的公式:$a^2 +b^2=c^2$
- 行外:使用两对
,勾股定理$$a^2 +b^2=c^2$$
常用希腊字母 Greek alphabet
序号 | 小写 | LaTeX | 读音 | 序号 | 大写 | LaTeX | 读音 |
1 | α | alpha | /ˈælfə/ | 22 | σ | sigma | /ˈsɪɡmə/ |
2 | β | beta | /ˈbiːtə/, US: /ˈbeɪtə/ | 23 | ς | varsigma | /ˈsɪɡmə/ |
3 | γ | gamma | /ˈɡæmə/ | 24 | τ | tau | /taʊ, tɔː/ |
4 | δ | delta | /ˈdɛltə/ | 25 | υ | upsilon | /ˈʌpsɪlɒn/ |
5 | ϵ | epsilon | /ˈɛpsɪlɒn/ | 26 | ϕ | phi | /faɪ/ |
6 | ε | varepsilon | /ˈɛpsɪlɒn/ | 27 | φ | varphi | /faɪ/ |
7 | ζ | zeta | /ˈzeɪtə/ | 28 | χ | chi | /kaɪ/ |
8 | η | eta | /ˈeɪtə/ | 29 | ψ | psi | /psaɪ/ |
9 | θ | theta | /ˈθiːtə/ | 30 | ω | omega | /oʊˈmeɪɡə/ |
10 | ϑ | vartheta | /ˈθiːtə/ | 31 | Γ | Gamma | /ˈɡæmə/ |
11 | ι | iota | /aɪˈoʊtə/ | 32 | Δ | Delta | /ˈdɛltə/ |
12 | κ | kappa | /ˈkæpə/ | 33 | Θ | Theta | /ˈθiːtə/ |
13 | λ | lambda | /ˈlæmdə/ | 34 | Λ | Lambda | /ˈlæmdə/ |
14 | μ | mu | /mjuː/ | 35 | Ξ | Xi | /zaɪ, ksaɪ/ |
15 | ν | nu | /njuː/ | 36 | Π | Pi | /paɪ/ |
16 | ξ | xi | /zaɪ, ksaɪ/ | 37 | Σ | Sigma | /ˈsɪɡmə/ |
17 | o | o | /ˈɒmɪkrɒn/ | 38 | Υ | Upsilon | /ˈʌpsɪlɒn/ |
18 | π | pi | /paɪ/ | 39 | Φ | Phi | /faɪ/ |
19 | ϖ | varpi | /paɪ/ | 40 | Ψ | Psi | /psaɪ/ |
20 | ρ | rho | /roʊ/ | 41 | Ω | Omega | /oʊˈmeɪɡə/ |
21 | ϱ | varrho | /roʊ/ | ||||
常用希伯来字母Hebrew alphabet
序号 | 图标 | LaTeX | 英文 |
1 | ℵ | aleph | aleph |
2 | ℶ | beth | beth |
3 | ℷ | gimel | gimel |
4 | ℸ | daleth | daleth |
$pi、zeta、pi、varrho、aleph$ # 一对$$
二元运算符 Binary operations
序号 | 图标 | LaTeX | 序号 | 图标 | LaTeX |
1 | + | + | 20 | ∙ | bullet |
2 | − | – | 21 | ⊕ | oplus |
3 | × | times | 22 | ⊖ | ominus |
4 | ÷div | div (在physics扩展开启状态下为) | 23 | ⊙ | odot |
5 | ± | pm | 24 | ⊘ | oslash |
6 | ∓ | mp | 25 | ⊗ | otimes |
7 | ◃ | triangleleft | 26 | ◯ | bigcirc |
8 | ▹ | triangleright | 27 | ⋄ | diamond |
9 | ⋅ | cdot | 28 | ⊎ | uplus |
10 | ∖ | setminus | 29 | △ | bigtriangleup |
11 | ⋆ | star | 30 | ▽ | bigtriangledown |
12 | ∗ | ast | 31 | ⊲ | lhd |
13 | ∪ | cup | 32 | ⊳ | rhd |
14 | ∩ | cap | 33 | ⊴ | unlhd |
15 | ⊔ | sqcup | 34 | ⊵ | unrhd |
16 | ⊓ | sqcap | 35 | ⨿ | amalg |
17 | ∨ | vee | 36 | ≀ | wr |
18 | ∧ | wedge | 37 | † | dagger |
19 | ∘ | circ | 38 | ‡ | ddagger |
二元关系符 Binary relations
序号 | 图标 | LaTeX | 序号 | 图标 | LaTeX |
1 | = | = | 49 | ⪈ | gneq |
2 | ≠ | ne | 50 | ≧ | geqq |
3 | ≠ | neq | 51 | ≱ | ngeq |
4 | ≡ | equiv | 52 | ≱ | ngeqq |
5 | ≢ | notequiv | 53 | ≩ | gneqq |
6 | ≐ | doteq | 54 | ≩ | gvertneqq |
7 | ≑ | doteqdot | 55 | ≶ | lessgtr |
8 | =dffstackrel{mathrm{dff}}{=} | stackrel{mathrm{dff}}{=} | 56 | ⋚ | lesseqgtr |
9 | := | := | 57 | ⪋ | lesseqqgtr |
10 | ∼ | sim | 58 | ≷ | gtrless |
11 | ≁ | nsim | 59 | ⋛ | gtreqless |
12 | ∽ | backsim | 60 | ⪌ | gtreqqless |
13 | ∼ | thicksim | 61 | ⩽ | leqslant |
14 | ≃ | simeq | 62 | ⪇ | nleqslant |
15 | ⋍ | backsimeq | 63 | ⪕ | eqslantless |
16 | ≂ | eqsim | 64 | ⩾ | geqslant |
17 | ≅ | cong | 65 | ⪈ | ngeqslant |
18 | ≇ | ncong | 66 | ⪖ | eqslantgtr |
19 | ≈ | approx | 67 | ≲ | lesssim |
20 | ≈ | thickapprox | 68 | ⋦ | lnsim |
21 | ≊ | approxeq | 69 | ⪅ | lessapprox |
22 | ≍ | asymp | 70 | ⪉ | lnapprox |
23 | ∝ | propto | 71 | ≳ | gtrsim |
24 | ∝ | varpropto | 72 | ⋧ | gnsim |
25 | << /td> | < | 73 | ⪆ | gtrapprox |
26 | ≮ | nless | 74 | ⪊ | gnapprox |
27 | ≪ | ll | 75 | ≺ | prec |
28 | ≪̸ | notll | 76 | ⊀ | nprec |
29 | ⋘ | lll | 77 | ⪯ | preceq |
30 | ⋘̸ | notlll | 78 | ⋠ | npreceq |
31 | ⋖ | lessdot | 79 | ⪵ | precneqq |
32 | 80 | ≻ | succ | ||
33 | ≯ | ngtr | 81 | ⊁ | nsucc |
34 | ≫ | gg | 82 | ⪰ | succeq |
35 | ≫̸ | notgg | 83 | ⋡ | nsucceq |
36 | ⋙ | ggg | 84 | ⪶ | succneqq |
37 | ⋙̸ | notggg | 85 | ≼ | preccurlyeq |
38 | ⋗ | gtrdot | 86 | ⋞ | curlyeqprec |
39 | ≤ | le | 87 | ≽ | succcurlyeq |
40 | ≤ | leq | 88 | ⋟ | curlyeqsucc |
41 | ⪇ | lneq | 89 | ≾ | precsim |
42 | ≦ | leqq | 90 | ⋨ | precnsim |
43 | ≰ | nleq | 91 | ⪷ | precapprox |
44 | ≰ | nleqq | 92 | ⪹ | precnapprox |
45 | ≨ | lneqq | 93 | ≿ | succsim |
46 | ≨ | lvertneqq | 94 | ⋩ | succnsim |
47 | ≥ | ge | 95 | ⪸ | succapprox |
48 | ≥ | geq | 96 | ⪺ | succnapprox |
几何关系符号Geometric symbols
序号 | 图标 | LaTeX | 序号 | 图标 | LaTeX |
1 | ∥ | parallel | 14 | ◊ | lozenge |
2 | ∦ | nparallel | 15 | ⧫ | blacklozenge |
3 | ∥ | shortparallel | 16 | ★ | bigstar |
4 | ∦ | nshortparallel | 17 | ◯ | bigcirc |
5 | ⊥ | perp | 18 | △ | triangle |
6 | ∠ | angle | 19 | △ | bigtriangleup |
7 | ∢ | sphericalangle | 20 | ▽ | bigtriangledown |
8 | ∡ | measuredangle | 21 | △ | vartriangle |
9 | 45∘ | 45^circ | 22 | ▽ | triangledown |
10 | ◻ | Box | 23 | ▴ | blacktriangle |
11 | ◼ | blacksquare | 24 | ▾ | blacktriangledown |
12 | ⋄ | diamond | 25 | ◂ | blacktriangleleft |
13 | ◊ | Diamond lozenge | 26 | ▸ | blacktriangleright |
逻辑符号 Logic symbols
序号 | 图标 | LaTeX | 序号 | 图标 | LaTeX |
1 | ∀ | forall | 20 | ¬ | neg |
2 | ∃ | exists | 21 | R̸ | notoperatorname{R} |
3 | ∄ | nexists | 22 | ⊥ | bot |
4 | ∴ | therefore | 23 | ⊤ | top |
5 | ∵ | because | 24 | ⊢ | vdash |
6 | & | And | 25 | ⊣ | dashv |
7 | ∨ | lor | 26 | ⊨ | vDash |
8 | ∨ | vee | 27 | ⊩ | Vdash |
9 | ⋎ | curlyvee | 28 | ⊨ | models |
10 | ⋁ | bigvee | 29 | ⊪ | Vvdash |
11 | ∧ | land | 30 | ⊬ | nvdash |
12 | ∧ | wedge | 31 | ⊮ | nVdash |
13 | ⋏ | curlywedge | 32 | ⊭ | nvDash |
14 | ⋀ | bigwedge | 33 | ⊯ | nVDash |
15 | q¯ | bar{q} | 34 | ⌜ | ulcorner |
16 | abc¯ | bar{abc} | 35 | ⌝ | urcorner |
17 | q― | overline{q} | 36 | ⌞ | llcorner |
18 | abc― | overline{abc} | 37 | ⌟ | lrcorner |
19 | ¬ | lnot |
序号 | 图标 | LaTeX | 序号 | 图标 | LaTeX |
1 | {} | {} | 23 | ⊏ | sqsubset |
2 | ∅ | emptyset | 24 | ⊃ | supset |
3 | ∅ | varnothing | 25 | ⋑ | Supset |
4 | ∈ | in | 26 | ⊐ | sqsupset |
5 | ∉ | notin | 27 | ⊆ | subseteq |
6 | ∋ | ni | 28 | ⊈ | nsubseteq |
7 | ∩ | cap | 29 | ⊊ | subsetneq |
8 | ⋒ | Cap | 30 | ⊊ | varsubsetneq |
9 | ⊓ | sqcap | 31 | ⊑ | sqsubseteq |
10 | ⋂ | bigcap | 32 | ⊇ | supseteq |
11 | ∪ | cup | 33 | ⊉ | nsupseteq |
12 | ⋓ | Cup | 34 | ⊋ | supsetneq |
13 | ⊔ | sqcup | 35 | ⊋ | varsupsetneq |
14 | ⋃ | bigcup | 36 | ⊒ | sqsupseteq |
15 | ⨆ | bigsqcup | 37 | ⫅ | subseteqq |
16 | ⊎ | uplus | 38 | ⊈ | nsubseteqq |
17 | ⨄ | biguplus | 39 | ⫋ | subsetneqq |
18 | ∖ | setminus | 40 | ⫋ | varsubsetneqq |
19 | ∖ | smallsetminus | 41 | ⫆ | supseteqq |
20 | × | times | 42 | ⊉ | nsupseteqq |
21 | ⊂ | subset | 43 | ⫌ | supsetneqq |
22 | ⋐ | Subset | 44 | ⫌ | varsupsetneqq |
序号 | 图标 | LaTeX | 序号 | 图标 | LaTeX |
1 | ⇛ | Rrightarrow | 36 | ⟼ | longmapsto |
2 | ⇚ | Lleftarrow | 37 | ⇀ | rightharpoonup |
3 | ⇒ | Rightarrow | 38 | ⇁ | rightharpoondown |
4 | ⇏ | nRightarrow | 39 | ↼ | leftharpoonup |
5 | ⟹ | Longrightarrow | 40 | ↽ | leftharpoondown |
6 | ⟹ | implies | 41 | ↿ | upharpoonleft |
7 | ⇐ | Leftarrow | 42 | ↾ | upharpoonright |
8 | ⇍ | nLeftarrow | 43 | ⇃ | downharpoonleft |
9 | ⟸ | Longleftarrow | 44 | ⇂ | downharpoonright |
10 | ⇔ | Leftrightarrow | 45 | ⇌ | rightleftharpoons |
11 | ⇎ | nLeftrightarrow | 46 | ⇋ | leftrightharpoons |
12 | ⟺ | Longleftrightarrow | 47 | ↶ | curvearrowleft |
13 | ⟺ | iff | 48 | ↺ | circlearrowleft |
14 | ⇑ | Uparrow | 49 | ↰ | Lsh |
15 | ⇓ | Downarrow | 50 | ⇈ | upuparrows |
16 | ⇕ | Updownarrow | 51 | ⇉ | rightrightarrows |
17 | → | rightarrow | 52 | ⇄ | rightleftarrows |
18 | → | to | 53 | ↣ | rightarrowtail |
19 | ↛ | nrightarrow | 54 | ↬ | looparrowright |
20 | ⟶ | longrightarrow | 55 | ↷ | curvearrowright |
21 | ← | leftarrow | 56 | ↻ | circlearrowright |
22 | ← | gets | 57 | ↱ | Rsh |
23 | ↚ | nleftarrow | 58 | ⇊ | downdownarrows |
24 | ⟵ | longleftarrow | 59 | ⇇ | leftleftarrows |
25 | ↔ | leftrightarrow | 60 | ⇆ | leftrightarrows |
26 | ↮ | nleftrightarrow | 61 | ↢ | leftarrowtail |
27 | ⟷ | longleftrightarrow | 62 | ↫ | looparrowleft |
28 | ↑ | uparrow | 63 | ↪ | hookrightarrow |
29 | ↓ | downarrow | 64 | ↩ | hookleftarrow |
30 | ↕ | updownarrow | 65 | ⊸ | multimap |
31 | ↗ | nearrow | 66 | ↭ | leftrightsquigarrow |
32 | ↙ | swarrow | 67 | ⇝ | rightsquigarrow |
33 | ↖ | nwarrow | 68 | ↠ | twoheadrightarrow |
34 | ↘ | searrow | 69 | ↞ | twoheadleftarrow |
35 | ↦ | mapsto |
序号 | 图标 | LaTeX | 序号 | 图标 | LaTeX |
1 | ∞ | infty | 33 | ♭ | flat |
2 | ℵ | aleph | 34 | ♮ | natural |
3 | ∁ | complement | 35 | ♯ | sharp |
4 | ∍ | backepsilon | 36 | ╱ | diagup |
5 | ð | eth | 37 | ╲ | diagdown |
6 | Ⅎ | Finv | 38 | ⋅ | centerdot |
7 | ℏ | hbar | 39 | ⋉ | ltimes |
8 | Im | Im | 40 | ⋊ | rtimes |
9 | ı | imath | 41 | ⋋ | leftthreetimes |
10 | ȷ | jmath | 42 | ⋌ | rightthreetimes |
11 | 𝕜k | Bbbk | 43 | ≖ | eqcirc |
12 | ℓ | ell | 44 | ≗ | circeq |
13 | ℧ | mho | 45 | ≜ | triangleq |
14 | ℘ | wp | 46 | ≏ | bumpeq |
15 | Re | Re | 47 | ≎ | Bumpeq |
16 | Ⓢ | circledS | 48 | ≑ | doteqdot |
17 | ⨿ | amalg | 49 | ≓ | risingdotseq |
18 | % | % | 50 | ≒ | fallingdotseq |
19 | † | dagger | 51 | ⊺ | intercal |
20 | ‡ | ddagger | 52 | ⊼ | barwedge |
21 | … | ldots | 53 | ⊻ | veebar |
22 | ⋯ | cdots | 54 | ⩞ | doublebarwedge |
23 | ⌣smile | smile | 55 | ≬ | between |
24 | ⌢frown | frown | 56 | ⋔ | pitchfork |
25 | ≀ | wr | 57 | ⊲ | vartriangleleft |
26 | ◃ | triangleleft | 58 | ⋪ | ntriangleleft |
27 | ▹ | triangleright | 59 | ⊳ | vartriangleright |
28 | ♢ | diamondsuit | 60 | ⋫ | ntriangleright |
29 | ♡ | heartsuit | 61 | ⊴ | trianglelefteq |
30 | ♣ | clubsuit | 62 | ⋬ | ntrianglelefteq |
31 | ♠ | spadesuit | 63 | ⊵ | trianglerighteq |
32 | ⅁ | Game | 64 | ⋭ | ntrianglerighteq |
编号 | 类型 | 样式 | LaTeX |
1 | 分数 Fractions | 24x=0.5xor24x=0.5xfrac{2}{4}x=0.5x or {2 over 4}x=0.5x | frac{2}{4}x=0.5x or {2 over 4}x=0.5x |
2 | 小型分数 Small fractions (force textstyle) | 24x=0.5xtfrac{2}{4}x = 0.5x | tfrac{2}{4}x = 0.5x |
3 | 大型分数(不嵌套) Large (normal) fractions (force displaystyle) | 24=0.52c+2d+24=adfrac{2}{4} = 0.5 qquad dfrac{2}{c + dfrac{2}{d + dfrac{2}{4}}} = a | dfrac{2}{4} = 0.5 qquad dfrac{2}{c + dfrac{2}{d + dfrac{2}{4}}} = a |
4 | 大型分数(嵌套) Large (nested) fractions | 2c+2d+24=acfrac{2}{c + cfrac{2}{d + cfrac{2}{4}}} = a | cfrac{2}{c + cfrac{2}{d + cfrac{2}{4}}} = a |
5 | 约分线的使用 Cancellations in fractions | x1+yy=x2cfrac{x}{1 + cfrac{cancel{y}}{cancel{y}}} = cfrac{x}{2} | cfrac{x}{1 + cfrac{cancel{y}}{cancel{y}}} = cfrac{x}{2} |
标准数值函数 Standard numerical functions
编号 | 样式 | LaTeX |
1 | expab=ab,expb=eb,10mexp_a b = a^b, exp b = e^b, 10^m | exp_a b = a^b, exp b = e^b, 10^m |
2 | lnc,lgd=loge,log10fln c, lg d = log e, log_{10} f | ln c, lg d = log e, log_{10} f |
3 | sina,cosb,tanc,cotd,sece,cscfsin a, cos b, tan c, cot d, sec e, csc f | sin a, cos b, tan c, cot d, sec e, csc f |
4 | arcsina,arccosb,arctancarcsin a, arccos b, arctan c | arcsin a, arccos b, arctan c |
5 | arccotd,arcsece,arccscfoperatorname{arccot} d, operatorname{arcsec} e, operatorname{arccsc} f | operatorname{arccot} d, operatorname{arcsec} e, operatorname{arccsc} f |
6 | sinha,coshb,tanhc,cothdsinh a, cosh b, tanh c, coth d | sinh a, cosh b, tanh c, coth d |
7 | shk,chl,thm,cothnoperatorname{sh}k, operatorname{ch}l, operatorname{th}m, operatorname{coth}n | operatorname{sh}k, operatorname{ch}l, operatorname{th}m, operatorname{coth}n |
8 | argsho,argchp,argthqoperatorname{argsh}o, operatorname{argch}p, operatorname{argth}q | operatorname{argsh}o, operatorname{argch}p, operatorname{argth}q |
9 | sgnr,∣s∣operatorname{sgn}r, leftvert s rightvert | operatorname{sgn}r, leftvert s rightvert |
10 | min(x,y),max(x,y)min(x,y), max(x,y) | min(x,y), max(x,y) |
根式符号 Radicals
编号 | 样式 | LaTeX |
1 | 4sqrt 4 | sqrt 4 |
2 | √surd | surd |
3 | πsqrt{pi} | sqrt{pi} |
4 | πnsqrt[n]{pi} | sqrt[n]{pi} |
5 | x3+y323sqrt[3]{frac{x^3+y^3}{2}} | sqrt[3]{frac{x^3+y^3}{2}} |
微分和导数 Differentials and derivatives
编号 | 样式 | LaTeX |
1 | dt,dt,∂t,∇ψ | dt, mathrm{d}t, partial t, nablapsi |
2 | dy/dx,dy/dx,dydx,dydx,∂2∂x1∂x2ydy/dx, mathrm{d}y/mathrm{d}x, frac{dy}{dx}, frac{mathrm{d}y}{mathrm{d}x}, frac{partial^2}{partial x_1partial x_2}y | dy/dx, mathrm{d}y/mathrm{d}x, frac{dy}{dx}, frac{mathrm{d}y}{mathrm{d}x}, frac{partial^2}{partial x_1partial x_2}y |
3 | ′,‵,f′,f′,f′′,f(3),y˙,y¨prime, backprime, f^prime, f’, f”, f^{(3)}, dot y, ddot y | prime, backprime, f^prime, f’, f”, f^{(3)}, dot y, ddot y |
同余与模算术 Modular arithmetic
编号 | 样式 | LaTeX |
1 | sk≡0(modm)s_k equiv 0 pmod{m} | s_k equiv 0 pmod{m} |
2 | a mod ba bmod b | a bmod b |
3 | gcd(m,n),lcm(m,n)gcd(m, n), operatorname{lcm}(m, n) | gcd(m, n), operatorname{lcm}(m, n) |
4 | ∣,∤,∣,∤mid, nmid, shortmid, nshortmid | mid, nmid, shortmid, nshortmid |
极限 Limits
编号 | 样式 | LaTeX |
1 | limn→∞xnlim_{n to infty}x_n | lim_{n to infty}x_n |
2 | limn→∞xntextstyle lim_{n to infty}x_n | textstyle lim_{n to infty}x_n |
界限与投影 Bounds and Projections
编号 | 样式 | LaTeX |
1 | minx,maxy,infs,suptmin x, max y, inf s, sup t | min x, max y, inf s, sup t |
2 | limu,lim infv,lim supwlim u, liminf v, limsup w | lim u, liminf v, limsup w |
3 | dimp,degq,detm,kerϕdim p, deg q, det m, kerphi | dim p, deg q, det m, kerphi |
4 | Prj,homl,∥z∥,argzPr j, hom l, lVert z rVert, arg z | Pr j, hom l, lVert z rVert, arg z |
积分 Integral
编号 | 样式 | LaTeX |
1 | ∫13e3/xx2 dxintlimits_{1}^{3}frac{e^3/x}{x^2}, dx | intlimits_{1}^{3}frac{e^3/x}{x^2}, dx |
2 | ∫13e3/xx2 dxint_{1}^{3}frac{e^3/x}{x^2}, dx | int_{1}^{3}frac{e^3/x}{x^2}, dx |
3 | ∫−NNexdxtextstyle intlimits_{-N}^{N} e^x dx | textstyle intlimits_{-N}^{N} e^x dx |
4 | ∫−NNexdxtextstyle int_{-N}^{N} e^x dx | textstyle int_{-N}^{N} e^x dx |
5 | ∬Ddx dyiintlimits_D dx,dy | iintlimits_D dx,dy |
6 | ∭Edx dy dziiintlimits_E dx,dy,dz | iiintlimits_E dx,dy,dz |
7 | iiiintlimits_F dx,dy,dz,dt | iiiintlimits_F dx,dy,dz,dt |
8 | ∫(x,y)∈Cx3 dx+4y2 dyint_{(x,y)in C} x^3, dx + 4y^2, dy | int_{(x,y)in C} x^3, dx + 4y^2, dy |
9 | ∮(x,y)∈Cx3 dx+4y2 dyoint_{(x,y)in C} x^3, dx + 4y^2, dy | oint_{(x,y)in C} x^3, dx + 4y^2, dy |
10 | unicode8751unicodex222FCunicode{8751} unicode{x222F}_C | unicode{8751} unicode{x222F}_C |
11 | unicode8752unicodex2230Cunicode{8752} unicode{x2230}_C | unicode{8752} unicode{x2230}_C |
12 | unicode8753unicodex2231cunicode{8753} unicode{x2231}_c | unicode{8753} unicode{x2231}_c |
13 | unicode8754unicodex2232cunicode{8754} unicode{x2232}_c | unicode{8754} unicode{x2232}_c |
14 | unicode8755unicodex2233cunicode{8755} unicode{x2233}_c | unicode{8755} unicode{x2233}_c |
编号 | 类别 | 样式 | LaTeX |
1 | 求和 Summation | ∑absum_{a}^{b} | sum_{a}^{b} |
2 | 求和 Summation | ∑abtextstyle sum_{a}^{b} | textstyle sum_{a}^{b} |
3 | 连乘积 Product | ∏abprod_{a}^{b} | prod_{a}^{b} |
4 | 连乘积 Product | ∏abtextstyle prod_{a}^{b} | textstyle prod_{a}^{b} |
5 | 余积 Coproduct | ∐abcoprod_{a}^{b} | coprod_{a}^{b} |
6 | 余积 Coproduct | ∐abtextstyle coprod_{a}^{b} | textstyle coprod_{a}^{b} |
7 | 并集 Union | ⋃abbigcup_{a}^{b} | bigcup_{a}^{b} |
8 | 并集 Union | ⋃abtextstyle bigcup_{a}^{b} | textstyle bigcup_{a}^{b} |
9 | 交集 Intersection | ⋂abbigcap_{a}^{b} | bigcap_{a}^{b} |
10 | 交集 Intersection | ⋂abtextstyle bigcap_{a}^{b} | textstyle bigcap_{a}^{b} |
11 | 析取 Disjunction | ⋁abbigvee_{a}^{b} | bigvee_{a}^{b} |
12 | 析取 Disjunction | ⋁abtextstyle bigvee_{a}^{b} | textstyle bigvee_{a}^{b} |
13 | 合取 Conjunction | ⋀abbigwedge_{a}^{b} | bigwedge_{a}^{b} |
14 | 合取 Conjunction | ⋀abtextstyle bigwedge_{a}^{b} | textstyle bigwedge_{a}^{b} |
上下标Sub & Super
编号 | 类型 | 样式 | 代码 |
1 | 上标 Superscript | a2,ax+3a^2, a^{x+3} | a^2, a^{x+3} |
2 | 下标 Subscript | a2a_2 | a_2 |
3 | 组合1 Grouping | 1030a2+210^{30} a^{2+2} | 10^{30} a^{2+2} |
4 | 组合2 Grouping | ai,jbf′a_{i,j} b_{f’} | a_{i,j} b_{f’} |
5 | 上下标混合1 Combining sub & super | x23x_2^3 | x_2^3 |
6 | 上下标混合2 Combining sub & super | x23{x_2}^3 | {x_2}^3 |
7 | 上标的上标 Super super | 1010810^{10^{8}} | 10^{10^{8}} |
8 | 混合标识1 Preceding and/or additional sub & super | sideset1234Xabsideset{_1^2}{_3^4}X_a^b | sideset{_1^2}{_3^4}X_a^b |
9 | 混合标识2 Preceding and/or additional sub & super | 12!Ω34{}_1^2!Omega_3^4 | {}_1^2!Omega_3^4 |
10 | 顶标底标1 Stacking | ωαoverset{alpha}{omega} | overset{alpha}{omega} |
11 | 顶标底标2 Stacking | ωαunderset{alpha}{omega} | underset{alpha}{omega} |
12 | 顶标底标3 Stacking | ωγαoverset{alpha}{underset{gamma}{omega}} | overset{alpha}{underset{gamma}{omega}} |
13 | 顶标底标4 Stacking | ωαstackrel{alpha}{omega} | stackrel{alpha}{omega} |
14 | 导数1 Derivatives | x′,y′′,f′,f′′x’, y”, f’, f” | x’, y”, f’, f” |
15 | 导数2 Derivatives | x′,y′′x^prime, y^{primeprime} | x^prime, y^{primeprime} |
16 | 导数 Derivative dots | x˙,x¨dot{x}, ddot{x} | dot{x}, ddot{x} |
17 | 下划线、上划线与向量1 Underlines, overlines, vectors | a^ bˉ c⃗hat a bar b vec c | hat a bar b vec c |
18 | 下划线、上划线与向量2 Underlines, overlines, vectors | ab→ cd← def^overrightarrow{a b} overleftarrow{c d} widehat{d e f} | overrightarrow{a b} overleftarrow{c d} widehat{d e f} |
19 | 下划线、上划线与向量3 Underlines, overlines, vectors | ghi‾ jkl‾overline{g h i} underline{j k l} | overline{g h i} underline{j k l} |
20 | 弧度 Arc (workaround) | AB⌢overset{frown} {AB} | overset{frown} {AB} |
21 | 箭头 Arrows | A←n+μ−1B→Tn±i−1CA xleftarrow{n+mu-1} B xrightarrow[T]{npm i-1} C | A xleftarrow{n+mu-1} B xrightarrow[T]{npm i-1} C |
22 | 大括号 Overbraces | 1+2+⋯+100⏞5050overbrace{ 1+2+cdots+100 }^{5050} | overbrace{ 1+2+cdots+100 }^{5050} |
23 | 底部大括号 Underbraces | a+b+⋯+z⏟26underbrace{ a+b+cdots+z }_{26} | underbrace{ a+b+cdots+z }_{26} |
24 | 求和运算 Sum | ∑k=1Nk2sum_{k=1}^N k^2 | sum_{k=1}^N k^2 |
25 | 文本模式下的求和运算 Sum (force textstyle) | ∑k=1Nk2textstyle sum_{k=1}^N k^2 | textstyle sum_{k=1}^N k^2 |
26 | 分式中的求和运算1 Sum in a fraction (default textstyle) | ∑k=1Nk2afrac{sum_{k=1}^N k^2}{a} | frac{sum_{k=1}^N k^2}{a} |
27 | 分式中的求和运算2 Sum in a fraction (force displaystyle) | ∑k=1Nk2afrac{displaystyle sum_{k=1}^N k^2}{a} | frac{displaystyle sum_{k=1}^N k^2}{a} |
28 | 分式中的求和运算3 Sum in a fraction (alternative limits style) | ∑Nk=1k2afrac{sumlimits{N}_{k=1} k^2}{a} | frac{sumlimits{N}_{k=1} k^2}{a} |
29 | 乘积运算 Product | ∏i=1Nxiprod_{i=1}^N x_i | prod_{i=1}^N x_i |
30 | 乘积运算 Product (force textstyle) | ∏i=1Nxitextstyle prod_{i=1}^N x_i | textstyle prod_{i=1}^N x_i |
31 | 副乘运算 Coproduct | ∐i=1Nxicoprod_{i=1}^N x_i | coprod_{i=1}^N x_i |
32 | 副乘运算 Coproduct (force textstyle) | ∐i=1Nxitextstyle coprod_{i=1}^N x_i | textstyle coprod_{i=1}^N x_i |
33 | 极限 Limit | limn→∞xnlim_{n to infty}x_n | lim_{n to infty}x_n |
34 | 极限 Limit (force textstyle) | limn→∞xntextstyle lim_{n to infty}x_n | textstyle lim_{n to infty}x_n |
35 | 积分 Integral | ∫13e3/xx2 dxintlimits_{1}{3}frac{e3/x}{x^2}, dx | intlimits_{1}{3}frac{e3/x}{x^2}, dx |
36 | 积分 Integral (alternative limits style) | ∫13e3/xx2 dxint_{1}{3}frac{e3/x}{x^2}, dx | int_{1}{3}frac{e3/x}{x^2}, dx |
37 | 积分 Integral (force textstyle) | ∫−NNexdxtextstyle intlimits_{-N}^{N} e^x dx | textstyle intlimits_{-N}^{N} e^x dx |
38 | 积分 Integral (force textstyle, alternative limits style) | ∫−NNexdxtextstyle int_{-N}^{N} e^x dx | textstyle int_{-N}^{N} e^x dx |
39 | 双重积分 Double integral | ∬Ddx dyiintlimits_D dx,dy | iintlimits_D dx,dy |
40 | 三重积分 Triple integral | ∭Edx dy dziiintlimits_E dx,dy,dz | iiintlimits_E dx,dy,dz |
41 | 四重积分 Quadruple integral | iiiintlimits_F dx,dy,dz,dt | iiiintlimits_F dx,dy,dz,dt |
42 | 路径积分 Line or path integral | ∫(x,y)∈Cx3 dx+4y2 dyint_{(x,y)in C} x^3, dx + 4y^2, dy | int_{(x,y)in C} x^3, dx + 4y^2, dy |
43 | 环路积分 Closed line or path integral | ∮(x,y)∈Cx3 dx+4y2 dyoint_{(x,y)in C} x^3, dx + 4y^2, dy | oint_{(x,y)in C} x^3, dx + 4y^2, dy |
44 | 交集 Intersections | ⋂i=1nEibigcap_{i=1}^n E_i | bigcap_{i=1}^n E_i |
45 | 并集 Unions | ⋃i=1nEibigcup_{i=1}^n E_i | bigcup_{i=1}^n E_i |
矩阵与多行列式 Matrices & Multilines
编号 | 类型 | 样式 | LaTeX | ||||
1 | 二项式系数 Binomial coefficients | (nk)binom{n}{k} | binom{n}{k} | ||||
2 | 小型二项式系数 Small binomial coefficients (force textstyle) | (nk)tbinom{n}{k} | tbinom{n}{k} | ||||
3 | 大型二项式系数 Large (normal) binomial coefficients (force displaystyle) | (nk)dbinom{n}{k} | dbinom{n}{k} | ||||
4 | 矩阵1 Matrices | xyzvbegin{matrix} x & y \ z & v end{matrix} | begin{matrix} x & y z & v end{matrix} | ||||
5 | 矩阵2 Matrices | ∣xyzv∣begin{vmatrix} x & y \ z & v end{vmatrix} | begin{vmatrix} x & y z & v end{vmatrix} | ||||
6 | 矩阵3 Matrices | ∥xyzv∥begin{Vmatrix} x & y \ z & v end{Vmatrix} | begin{Vmatrix} x & y z & v end{Vmatrix} | ||||
7 | 矩阵4 Matrices | [0⋯0⋮⋱⋮0⋯0]begin{bmatrix} 0 & cdots & 0 \ vdots & ddots & vdots \ 0 & cdots & 0 end{bmatrix} | begin{bmatrix} 0 & cdots & 0 vdots & ddots & vdots 0 & cdots & 0 end{bmatrix} | ||||
8 | 矩阵5 Matrices | {xyzv}begin{Bmatrix} x & y \ z & v end{Bmatrix} | begin{Bmatrix} x & y z & v end{Bmatrix} | ||||
9 | 矩阵6 Matrices | (xyzv)begin{pmatrix} x & y \ z & v end{pmatrix} | begin{pmatrix} x & y z & v end{pmatrix} | ||||
10 | 矩阵7 Matrices | (abcd)bigl( begin{smallmatrix} a&b\ c&d end{smallmatrix} bigr) | bigl( begin{smallmatrix} a&b c&d end{smallmatrix} bigr) |
11 | 条件定义 Case distinctions | f(n)={n/2,if n is even3n+1,if n is oddf(n) = begin{cases} n/2, & text{if }ntext{ is even} \ 3n+1, & text{if }ntext{ is odd} end{cases} | f(n) = begin{cases} n/2, & text{if }ntext{ is even} 3n+1, & text{if }ntext{ is odd} end{cases} | ||||
12 | 多行等式1 Multiline equations | begin{align} f(x) & = (a+b)^2\ & = a^2+2ab+b^2 end{align} | begin{align} f(x) & = (a+b)^2 & = a^2+2ab+b^2 end{align} | ||||
13 | 多行等式2 Multiline equations | begin{alignat}{2} f(x) & = (a-b)^2 \ & = a^2-2ab+b^2 end{alignat} | begin{alignat}{2} f(x) & = (a-b)^2 & = a^2-2ab+b^2 end{alignat} | ||||
14 | 多行等式3 Multiline equations | z=af(x,y,z)=x+y+zbegin{array}{lcl} z & = & a \ f(x,y,z) & = & x + y + z end{array} | begin{array}{lcl} z & = & a f(x,y,z) & = & x + y + z end{array} | ||||
15 | 多行等式4 Multiline equations | z=af(x,y,z)=x+y+zbegin{array}{lcr} z & = & a \ f(x,y,z) & = & x + y + z end{array} | $begin{array}{lcr} z & = & a f(x,y,z) & = & x + y + z end{array} | ||||
16 | 方程组 Simultaneous equations | {3x+5y+z7x−2y+4z−6x+3y+2zbegin{cases} 3x + 5y + z \ 7x – 2y + 4z \ -6x + 3y + 2z end{cases} | begin{cases} 3x + 5y + z 7x – 2y + 4z -6x + 3y + 2z end{cases} | ||||
17 | 数组 Arrays | $begin{array}{ | c | c | c | } a & b & S hline 0 & 0 & 1 0 & 1 & 1 1 & 0 & 1 1 & 1 & 0 end{array}$ | begin{array}{ | c | c | c | } a & b & S hline 0 & 0 & 1 0 & 1 & 1 1 & 0 & 1 1 & 1 & 0 end{array} |
编号 | 类型 | 样式 | LaTeX | ||||||
1 | 圆括号、小括号 Parentheses | (ab)left ( frac{a}{b} right ) | left ( frac{a}{b} right ) | ||||||
2 | 方括号、中括号 Brackets | [ab][ab]left [ frac{a}{b} right ] quad left lbrack frac{a}{b} right rbrack | left [ frac{a}{b} right ] quad left lbrack frac{a}{b} right rbrack | ||||||
3 | 花括号、大括号 Braces | {ab}{ab}left { frac{a}{b} right } quad left lbrace frac{a}{b} right rbrace | left { frac{a}{b} right } quad left lbrace frac{a}{b} right rbrace | ||||||
4 | 角括号 Angle brackets | ⟨ab⟩left langle frac{a}{b} right rangle | left langle frac{a}{b} right rangle | ||||||
5 | 单竖线和双竖线 Bars and double bars | $ | frac{a}{b} | frac{c}{d} | $ | |frac{a}{b}| ||frac{c}{d}|| | |||
6 | 取整函数与取顶函数 Floor and ceiling functions: | ⌊ab⌋⌈cd⌉left lfloor frac{a}{b} right rfloor quad left lceil frac{c}{d} right rceil | left lfloor frac{a}{b} right rfloor quad left lceil frac{c}{d} right rceil | ||||||
7 | 斜线与反斜线 Slashes and backslashes | /ableft / frac{a}{b} right backslash | left / frac{a}{b} right backslash | ||||||
8 | 上下箭头 Up, down, and up-down arrows | ↑ab↓⇑ab⇓↕ab⇕left uparrow frac{a}{b} right downarrow quad left Uparrow frac{a}{b} right Downarrow quad left updownarrow frac{a}{b} right Updownarrow | left uparrow frac{a}{b} right downarrow quad left Uparrow frac{a}{b} right Downarrow quad left updownarrow frac{a}{b} right Updownarrow | ||||||
9 | 混合括号 Delimiters can be mixed,as long as left and right match | $left [0,1 right ) left langle psi right | $ | left [ 0,1 right ) left langle psi right | | |||||
10 | 单侧括号,使用left. 和 right.(带有英文句号) | AB}→Xleft. frac{A}{B} right } to X | left. frac{A}{B} right } to X | ||||||
11 | 括号的大小1 | (((((… ]]]]]( bigl( Bigl( biggl( Biggl( dots Biggr] biggr] Bigr] bigr] ] | ( bigl( Bigl( biggl( Biggl( dots Biggr] biggr] Bigr] bigr] ] | ||||||
12 | 括号的大小2 | ⌊⌊⌊⌊⌊⋯<br/>⌉⌉⌉⌉⌉lfloor bigllfloor Bigllfloor biggllfloor Biggllfloor dots<br/>Biggrrceil biggrrceil Bigrrceil bigrrceil rceil | lfloor bigllfloor Bigllfloor biggllfloor Biggllfloor dots Biggrrceil biggrrceil Bigrrceil bigrrceil rceil |
13 | 括号的大小3 | ↑↑↑↑↑⋯<br/>⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓uparrow biguparrow Biguparrow bigguparrow Bigguparrow dots<br/>BiggDownarrow biggDownarrow BigDownarrow bigDownarrow Downarrow | uparrow biguparrow Biguparrow bigguparrow Bigguparrow dots BiggDownarrow biggDownarrow BigDownarrow bigDownarrow Downarrow |
14 | 括号的大小4 | ↕↕↕↕↕⋯<br/>⇕⇕⇕⇕⇕updownarrow bigupdownarrow Bigupdownarrow biggupdownarrow Biggupdownarrow dots<br/>BiggUpdownarrow biggUpdownarrow BigUpdownarrow bigUpdownarrow Updownarrow | updownarrow bigupdownarrow Bigupdownarrow biggupdownarrow Biggupdownarrow dots BiggUpdownarrow biggUpdownarrow BigUpdownarrow bigUpdownarrow Updownarrow |
15 | 括号的大小5 | /////⋯<br/>/ big/ Big/ bigg/ Bigg/ dots<br/>Biggbackslash biggbackslash Bigbackslash bigbackslash backslash | / big/ Big/ bigg/ Bigg/ dots Biggbackslash biggbackslash Bigbackslash bigbackslash backslash |
编号 | 样式 | LaTeX | 中文说明英文说明 |
1 | aba qquad b | a qquad b | 双空格 |
2 | aba quad b | a quad b | 单空格 |
3 | a ba b | a b | 字符空格 |
4 | a ba text{ } b | a text{ } b | 文本模式中的字符空格 |
5 | a ba;b | a;b | 大空格 |
6 | a ba,b | a,b | 小空格 |
7 | abab | ab | 极小空格(用于乘因子) |
8 | aba b | a b | 极小空格(用于区分其它语法) |
9 | abmathit{ab} | mathit{ab} | 没有空格(用于多字母变量) |
10 | a ba!b | a!b | 负空格 |
f(x,y)=a2+b2+2ab=(a+b)2f(x,y) = a^2+b^2+2ab \ =(a+b)^2
$$f(x,y) = a^2+b^2+2ab \ =(a+b)^2$$